Intern Shares his Internship ​Experience at Mountain Lake PBS

This whole semester of interning at Mountain Lake PBS has been an incredible journey. I will never forget the experiences I had and the skills I gained from this internship. This journey started with I meeting Jennifer Kowalczyk at the Career Fair in SUNY Plattsburgh where I was attracted to the internship at MLPBS and I decided to apply for it knowing that it’s a public broadcasting station. When I got the email confirming the internship in late November, I was very excited to be part of the Marketing department of Mountain Lake PBS.

I came back from my winter break all prepared to rock my internship and my semester at SUNY Plattsburgh. I started my internship as a very shy intern and slowly I started adapting to the work environment of MLPBS and in few months I was comfortable enough to go and ask for projects I wanted to do. This is something I love about the people here, they were very welcoming and open to ideas and gave me an opportunity to try something new and learn. In about March, I observed the need to grow the MLPBS Instagram, so I proposed some new strategies for Instagram Campaigns. I started some of them and got great engagement like Monday motivation with Mr. Rogers. It wouldn’t have been possible without continuous support from my supervisors Jen and Kevin. Digital Marketing is one of my biggest passions and all the skills I have gained from this internship will just add on to my resume to help me more in the future to find a profession in digital marketing.

I am very grateful of all the Marketing Skills I have learned through this internship especially in making engaging blog posts, creating content and social media strategies. While learning all this, they provided me with many growth opportunities which will help me in future. MLPBS is an creative place to work with and grow as an individual. I would definitely recommend my friends to come intern at MLPBS to have some great experiences and make good memories with this place.


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