I Musici de Montreal opens it’s 39th season with BRITANNIA: featuring soprano KARINA GAUVIN AND the ILLUMINATIONS

I Musici de Montreal orchestra

The I Musici de Montréal Chamber Orchestra, founded in 1983 by Yuli Turovsky, has been sharing its passion for classical music for over 35 years.

This Thursday , September 29th 2022 at 7:30 pm , The orchestra, led by maestro Jean-François Rivest will open it’s 39th season by presenting BRITANNIA, featuring the Canadian soprano Karina Gauvin and the Illuminations of Britten.

Our journey will begin in the British Isles, a collection of islands steeped in myth and legend. The stories of the Knights of the Round Table, Loch Ness, Robin Hood, and dragons and druids have always captivated our imaginations. These stories will be rediscovered through the magical works of Britten, Walton, Holst, and Elgar.

Soprano Karina Gauvin

“The High Priestess in our version is unquestionably the wonderful soprano Karina Gauvin. Britten’s sublime Illuminations will allow her creativity to shine.” —    Jean-François Rivest

Karina Gauvin, known for her work in the Baroque repertoire, is without a doubt, and has been for a long time, a must in the interpretation of the Illuminations. During her participation in the Radio-Canada Competition in 1995, she chose this Britten cycle. Marc-André Hamelin, a member of the jury at the time, went so far as to say she “owned the piece.” His voice had “evolved into something grandiose,” he said, and he had experienced “moments of pure grace.” Since then, she has performed the Illuminations with several companies, including the Orchester Métropolitain, and she has also collaborated with the Violons du Roy on the critically acclaimed recording Britten: Les Illuminations (ATMA 2010).



Brook Green Suite 
Duration: approx. 8 minutes


Serenade op. 20
Duration: approx. 12 minutes


Les Illuminations (for soprano and strings)
Duration: approx. 22 minutes 30 secondes


Sonata for String Orchestra
Duration: approx. 26 minutes


Pierre-Mercure Hall of the  Pierre-Péladeau Centre

September 29th , 2022 , 7:30 p.m.

± 80 minutes with intermission


WEBCAST offered : October 6th to 16th , 2022

For more information and tickets :



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