The price farmers get for their milk today is about the same that they were getting paid in the late 80s & 90s, yet the costs of producing that milk, what the farmer pays out for feed, fuel, farm equipment, utilities & labor, all keep going up. It simply costs many farmers more to make the milk than what they’re getting paid. After years of losing money, many family farms are at the breaking point.


One response to “Falling Prices”

  1. Dick Swanson Avatar
    Dick Swanson

    …pricing of milk changes everyday…in 2009 it changed about $4 ISH…2010 about $4..2011 about $7..2012 about $6..2013 about $5..2014 about $6+…2015 about $3…2016 about $4…2017 about $3 and so far this year about $2+…my numbers are NOT EXACT…BUT CLOSE. Here are some questions…Is this a political issue..? Is this being managed to drive some farm out..? Is this about exports and our dependence of them..? Farmers are working smarter now than 10-20 years ago…right..? I can not exist without farmers…help us understand…! Why do we have these big swings in pricing…who is controlling it..? Why would anybody do this on purpose to our farmers….WHY..?

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