Dans la Metropole – May 3

The Urban Forest

Victoria Street

Throughout May


See Victoria Street in a whole new way in the annual Urban Forest. This rich, diversified and completely free program offers unique urban furnishings, morning yoga sessions, food trucks, concerts and more surprises to any passerby.

For more information, head to www.musee-mccord.qc.ca

Festival vue sur la Releve


May 6 – 16, 2019


The  24th Festival vue sur la Releve celebrates dance, music, theatre and other performances. Visit the festival known to showcase the various forms of artistic expressions of young artists from the French-speaking world.

Visit www.vuesurlareleve.com for more information

Unforgettable: A Tribute to the Great Crooners with Colin Hunter

Balcon Cabaret Music-Hall

May 10, 2019


Enjoy Colin Hunter in “Unforgettable: A Tribute to the Great Crooners” playing at the Balcon Cabaret Music-Hall. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to see the charming singer perform the timeless classics of Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Dean Martin, and Nat King Cole.
Find ticket information at www.lebalcon.ca

Written by Catherine McAuliffe

Coordinated by Paul Larson


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