Conference on Justice and Accountability – the 25th Annual Symposium on Holocaust and Genocide at Vanier College

Professor Irwin Cotler

The community conference, Justice and Accountability, took place at Vanier College, March 30-31, 2017.  It was co-sponsored by the Holocaust and Genocide Prevention Foundation and the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights.

Many distinguished international experts on Antisemitism and legal issues addressed the topic. Dr. Charles Small, Director, Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy, Senator Murray Sinclair, former Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Canada’s former Attorney General, Professor Irwin Cotler, and Kimberly Mann, Chief of the Education Outreach Division of the United Nations Department of Public Information Global Outreach were among the presenters.  Panel discussions included; Justice and Accountability: None is Too Many: How Far Have We Come?, Indigenous People: Justice and Accountability, and Pursuing Justice for Political Prisoners.

Vanier students and the public-at-large eagerly attended over the two days, and many others participated via Internet Livestream.

Watch Mountain Lake Journal’s coverage of the conference

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Missed the conference?  You can watch it at at [button color=”green” size=”normal” alignment=”none” rel=”follow” openin=”samewindow” url=””]Watch Vanier Conference[/button]



One response to “Conference on Justice and Accountability – the 25th Annual Symposium on Holocaust and Genocide at Vanier College”

  1. Goldi Steiner Avatar
    Goldi Steiner

    Never has there been a more deserving honour bestowed upon an individual thanIrwin Cotler.
    Irwin has been an activist for justice, be it on behalf of Rwandans, Venezuelans, fighting against genocide, crimes against humanity, slavery, and freedom for all.
    Not to mention his tireless efforts to unearth the true fate of the well known hero, Raoul Wallenberg.
    Last but not least, his staunch stance against Antisemitism, and the Right of Israel to exist as a democratic, free nation.
    Thank you Irwin Cotler.

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