Category: Veterans Coming Home

  • Sharing Space

    Sharing Space

    Marine Brianna Renner helps veterans suffering through a variety of issues with the Veterans Yoga Project. Bringing often solitary veterans into a welcoming community focused on personal growth and wellness through yoga and helping each other become the best they can be. #vetscominghome Veterans Coming Home on Mountain Lake PBS is made possible with support…

  • Soldier For Life

    Soldier For Life

    Soldier for Life – Transition Assistance Program helps our veterans with important life decisions both in their military careers and their transitions into civilian careers. More than just soldiers, and beyond stereotypes they find themselves on paths towards personal and career fulfillment. A Soldier for Life is a citizen, employee, veteran and more. Veterans Coming…

  • Growing New Roots: Vet Finds Recovery at St. Joe’s

    Growing New Roots: Vet Finds Recovery at St. Joe’s

    From battlegrounds to tilling ground one soldier describes how he found new meaning after combat. Dealing with PTSD and addiction is a challenge that can’t be overcome alone. At St. Joe’s in Saranac Lake, NY Vets undergo a six to nine month recovery program that helps them remold themselves and their lives. Veterans Coming Home…