Blue Water Navy Veterans | Interview

Congress has passed a new law reverses a long-time ban that has kept thousands of Navy Veterans, exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War, from receiving benefits. We talk with Steve Bowman, Director of the Clinton County Veterans Service Agency about the new law, and the rush to get paperwork filed for these Vietnam Veterans before the end of December to receive compensation owed to them. Any Blue Water Navy Veteran or surviving family member can contact the Clinton County Veterans Service Agency with any questions at 518-565-4720.

Watch our extended interview with Steve Bowman about Navy Veterans excluded from the new law, who served on carriers & destroyers further out to sea during the war, who believe they too were exposed to Agent Orange, and should also be eligible for benefits:


3 responses to “Blue Water Navy Veterans | Interview”

  1. The article about Blue Water Navy was very good with one exception. The number of veterans that would be effected is 70,000 to 90,000.

  2. Mr Bowman, we would love to see you join our organization, Military Veterans Advocacy. We will update you on everything going on. We are heading back to D.C. the first part of January to meet with senate and congressional offices to keep the pressure on. Go to and join a wonder team of people like yourself.

  3. Leslie Tadlock Avatar
    Leslie Tadlock

    Hire more good to address the current back log of claims and appeals. I have over 123,000 Veterans a head me now with out adding these new blue water claims. The VA rules are when a Veteran turns 75 they get a head in the list. I will die like others before our claims/appears are addressed. The VA is until staffed, it needs to be a high priority, HELP !

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