Benjamin Franklin & Citizen Science: Sharing Stories of Collective Impact

How does Benjamin Franklin’s scientific legacy connect to today?

April is Citizen Science Month, and two days before Earth Day, PBS Books, PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs, and SciStarter are joining forces for a FREE, interactive event, to discuss what citizen science is, and how people of any age can get involved.  

Ben Franklin & Citizen Science: Sharing Stories of Collective Impact will bring together experts, educators, and young people to talk about Ben Franklin, citizen science, community engagement, and STEM storytelling. 

Citizen science enables everyday people to be involved in scientific research by participating in data collection. Many consider Benjamin Franklin to be America’s first citizen scientist. Franklin believed all people should engage with science; and that knowledge can be used to advance society for the benefit of all.

Join the live event on Wednesday, April 20th at 7pm.

Share the registration link and encourage learners of all ages to tune in! Together, we can encourage youth to explore the world around them, and continue Franklin’s tradition of lifelong learning and scientific inquiry. 


Ken Burns’s new four-hour documentary, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN airs on Mountain Lake PBS beginning on Monday, April 4th at 8pm. Tune-in to uncover the revolutionary life of one of the 18th century’s most consequential figures. To learn more about the film visit


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