Be Present & Practice Mindfulness as a Family

As the heat rises and the dog days of summer set in, our kids (and some of us adults) might be getting a little stir-crazy…

Take some time as a family to “cool down” by practicing mindfulness, the state of being present in the moment. There are a variety of techniques for kids of all ages to explore as they calm their bodies and minds. Whether it’s meditation, belly breathing, or an emotional check-in, studies show these types of activities are truly beneficial; they improve emotional regulation, working memory, attention and academic performance, and reduce anxiety levels.

Keep scrolling to learn about different mindfulness and self-care exercises to try as a family today!

Cool, Calm & Collected

Pressing Pause: How Mindfulness Helps Kids

Grades K-5
All children have times when they become overwhelmed, overloaded, or overstimulated. Mindfulness is a method of pressing the “pause button,” allowing kids to regroup and re-enter a situation with greater calm. Learn more with four tips you can use with your kids.

Why Yoga and Kids Go Together

Grades K-5
Yoga is about exploring and learning in a fun, safe and playful way. Yoga and kids are a perfect match. Read this article to find out what children (and adults!) can learn from yoga.

How Mindfulness Can Help Kids (and Parents!) Weather Emotional Storms

Grades K-5
Mindfulness tools won’t prevent emotional storms. Sometimes, that’s just what it means to be a kid (and an adult!). Yet being aware of our thoughts, our emotions, our surroundings and our breathing can help us remain anchored while we wait for the clouds to pass.

11 Simple Self-Care Habits for Kids

Grades K-5
Self-care isn’t selfish — it’s a basic need of being human! By teaching your child simple acts of self-care and including nurturing routines into your family life, you can show that taking care of ourselves, and each other, is important.

Activities, Crafts & More!

Practice Mindfulness With Belly Breathing

Grades PreK-3
During stressful or intense emotional moments, children may not have the coping skills to calm themselves. Diaphragmatic breathing, also known as belly breathing, is a calming exercise that both children and parents can practice to relax and feel grounded, and one that children as young as three can practice.

Make Healthy Snacks as a Family

Grades PreK-3
Having a healthy body is a key step in having a healthy mind. Get tips on how to incorporate healthy eating and quality time into your family’s routine.

Make a Mindfulness Glitter Jar

Grades K-3
Make and keep this glitter jar on hand to help your child relax and calm down the next time things become overwhelming.

Encouragement Jar

Grades 3-5
Daily affirmations, like positive encouragements, help kids learn to support themselves when the going gets tough, as well as start the day off right! Your child can pull a card from their jar every morning or whenever she needs a boost.

Kindness, Empathy, and Resilience Collection

Grades 3-12
This collection of videos and lesson plans is about kindness, empathy, and the importance of practicing mindfulness. These resources will help parents and educators foster resilience in kids, and include strategies to help teenagers cope with the stresses of everyday life, as well as specific challenges.


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