ADKAction Plants Pollinator Gardens | MLJ Interview

More than a decade ago, ADKAction started working to increase awareness and protect habitats for monarch butterflies by distributing milkweed seeds, and in 2016, created the Adirondack Pollinator Project teaming up with the Wild Center and Paul Smiths College to promote “hands-on” conservation by encouraging community volunteers and homeowners to plant gardens for pollinators that include plants designed to provide a diversity of nectar and pollen sources for local bees, moths, hummingbirds, and butterflies, including Monarchs. ADKAction has a Mobile Pollinator Garden Trailer they take on the road to plant community-scale pollinator gardens around the Adirondacks. ADKAction Executive Director Sawyer Cresap joins us to talk about that, as well as the non-profits new Fair Food Program which offers discounts to eligible families to help them buy fresh, nutritious, locally grown food from farms in the Adirondacks. Learn more:


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