ADK craftsman brings national attention to the health crisis facing veterans

Danny Kaifetz, an Adirondack craftsman who builds wooden flagpoles, has brought national attention to a health threat facing millions of his fellow Vietnam War-era Veterans. Because of the way many received their vaccines when they enlisted, a high percentage of veterans may have Hepatitis C and be unaware of it. Kaifetz has led a nationwide effort to raise awareness, get veterans tested, and call on the VA and federal government to cover treatment for veterans. Hepatitis C is a virus that infects the liver. Left untreated, it can cause serious health effects or death. Kaifetz has worked with members of Congress, including North Country Congresswoman Elise Stefanik to expand testing and treatment for veterans. Stefanik is hopeful Congress will vote on her legislation, which is part of the larger Defense Bill, by the end of the year. We talk with Danny Kaifetz about his efforts to call attention to this health threat and potentially help millions of his fellow veterans.


One response to “ADK craftsman brings national attention to the health crisis facing veterans”

  1. I contracted Hep C from the Ped-O-Jet injectors in Basic Training in 1975, in Lackland A.F.B., Texas. I’ve been fighting the V.A. in a legal battle for 12 years and 9 months so far, trying to get my Service Connection status for my disability.
    I finally had a court hearing a couple weeks ago. My attorney was so discouraged by the way they’ve treated me that she stopped taking veterans cases. It’s been hell. For years I’d hear nothing. Had to be patient, because I knew I’d win, there wasn’t any doubt. I had to ration food and gas, live like a pauper, in and out of homelessness. I’ve had to fast all those years, often eating just one can of food a day. I drink water, herbal tea, decaf coffee. Been dedicated to healing and survival, and not giving up, even with cirrhosis, diabetes, hypothyroidism, all brought on by the Hep C and/or treatments.
    Everyone should be tested. The sooner the better. I pray you don’t have it.

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