A Unique War Memorial – Bonus Interview 1

We speak with Debbie Henry, the granddaughter of the owner of Henry’s Garage in Port Henry where that Marine, Marcus Stoddard, worked as a mechanic before heading off to Vietnam. Debbie tells the story of how the garage has been added in the past year to the National Registry of Historic Places, and it was during a tour with a selection committee that she shared the story of Marcus Stoddard and his beer can. Debbie shares how that tour turned into a hunt for the hidden beer can.

Watch the trailer for the film called “When I Come Home” — here: https://vimeo.com/242862950

Also, check out the Facebook fanpage for the documentary which includes a wealth of information about the making of the film, the story behind it, and allow people to pass along stories and memories of the 5 soldiers honored in the film. http://www.facebook.com/WhenIComeHome


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